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Mad Science

WARNING: The following passage contains a blend of highly technical jargon and surrealist unreasoning typically associated with the Mad Sciences. It is not recommended for people who've got a problem with that.

The mystery cult known as Cabaret Decadance has evolved into our most advanced experiment. What appears to be an ordinary nostalgic time machine ride with benefits, is actually an improbabilocitor capable of producing windows of anti-structural space/time where preternormative social possibilities can be imagined, performed, and vicariously lived. The method is both radical and classical. Social improbabilocity is accelerated by high levels of gender ambiguity. Social conventions that limit future possibilites are deconstructed and dispersed by a steady stream of anachronisms, ironies, and satire.
When fully operational, the mechanism produces and sustains a broader and more diverse possible future horizon. It also generates ameliorative collateral-consequences in the form of archaic glamours, arcane enchantments, and songs that ripple virally through the popular imagination - gently enhancing a reflexive cultural awaremess of, and resistance to the machinations of the manifold bureaucratic and corporate forces that increasingly seek to define our desires, our dreams, and our destinies.

Copyright © 2010 • Cabaret Decadance